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Archives No.11:


In October 2004, Huang Xiang was invited to become the first writer-in-residence at COA/Pittsburgh, part of The North American Network of Cities of Asylum. With the help of Ling Zhang, Huang Xiang transformed a century-old house in his neighborhood into a public installation: House Poem. Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy issued a proclamation proclaiming November 21, 2004 as "Huang Xiang Day," which also marked the unveiling of Huang Xiang's House Poem with a live reading and celebration of Huang Xiang Day.

2004年10月,黄翔应邀成为北美避难城联盟(The North American Network of Cities of Asylum)属下的匹兹堡避难城(COA/Pittsburgh)首位驻市作家。黃翔在張玲的協助下,把居住地一座百年老房變成一個公共裝置藝術:房子詩歌。匹兹堡市长汤姆·莫斐(Tom Murphy)发表公告,宣布2004年11月21日为“黄翔日”(Huang Xiang Day),當天也是黃翔創作的房子詩歌揭幕日詩歌現場朗誦會與黃翔日慶典。

Archives No.12:


In October 2004, Huang Xiang was invited to become the first writer-in-residence at COA/Pittsburgh, a member of The North American Network of Cities of Asylum. With the help of Zhang Ling, Huang Xiang transformed a century-old house in his neighborhood into a public installation: House Poetry. A snapshot of the site of House Poetry's creation.

2004年10月,黄翔应邀成为北美避难城联盟(The North American Network of Cities of Asylum)属下的匹兹堡避难城(COA/Pittsburgh)首位驻市作家。黃翔在張玲的協助下,把居住地一座百年老房變成一個公共裝置藝術:房子詩歌。房子詩歌創作現場掠影。

Archives No.13:


In November 2004, an exiled writer finally enjoying freedom from fear in a foreign land, touched by this country, this city and its people, Huang Xiang began writing a collection of essays dedicated to the people of the United States of America, "Pittsburgh Dream Nest Jotting (Western) in the Poet House-Dream Nest; he had been In the Eastern, he was imprisoned for three years as a political prisoner for the fifth time, in October 1990 just got out of the prison. In 1991, the family's home in the city was destroyed by the cruel human beings in a flood that had not been seen for a hundred years, and the family was cut off from water and electricity and the source of livelihood, so they were forced to drift to the rural village of Bunyi to help people look after the fish ponds in exchange for a sheltered house, and they were in exile in their own homeland, but he has written a book that transcends the world of the red dust and the turbid world, and has been called The Dream Nest Jotting ( Eastern) , a classic of contemporary literature on retreat and escape, was written in exile in his native country. Both books are now available worldwide on Amazon

2004 年11 月,一個流亡作家終於在異國的土地上享受到免於恐懼的自由,被這個國家、被這座城市和祂的人民感動,黃翔在詩人之家·夢巢(Poet House·Dream Nest)開始寫作獻給美國人民的散文集《匹茲堡夢巢隨筆》(西方);他曾經在東方,1990 年10 月第五次作為政治犯被監禁三年剛剛出獄,1991 年城裡的家園在一場百年未遇的大洪水中被殘酷的人類強力摧毀,一家人斷水斷電斷生活來源,被迫漂泊到郊區農村布衣山寨幫人看魚塘換來一間可遮風避雨的居屋,在自己的祖國流亡漂泊卻寫出了超越紅塵濁世、被稱為當代隱逸文學經典的《夢巢隨筆》(東方)。現在這兩本書都在亞馬遜網站全球發行。

Archives No.14 :


1998 年6 月初黃翔和劉賓雁、鄭義應邀訪問瑞典,瑞典筆會主持,在瑞典斯德哥爾摩廣場朗誦會上激情澎湃朗誦詩歌。與瑞典皇家科學院院士馬悅然教授和瑞典筆會作家歡聚並合影。

In early June, 1998, Huang Xiang 、Liu Binyan、Zheng Yi were invited to visit Sweden, hosted by the Swedish Pen and recited poems with great passion at a recital in Stockholm Square, Sweden. Gathering with Prof. Göran Malmqvist , member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and writers of the Swedish Pen.

Archives No.15:



馬悅然,斯德哥爾摩大學榮譽退休教授、瑞典學院、瑞典皇家科學院、瑞典皇家人文科學院院士與歐洲學院創辦院士。是諾貝爾獎評委中惟一深諳中國文化、精通漢語的漢學家,畢生致力於漢學研究,從事中文與文學翻譯近半個世紀。1998 黄翔應邀訪問瑞典與他結緣。

陳文芬,曾任台灣《中國時報》文化記者,2005 年與馬悅然先生結婚。2002 年黄翔赴台灣參加桂冠出版社三卷文論集出版首發式、唐山出版社六卷詩集出版首發式(兩家出版社聯合舉辦),時任《中國時報》資深文化記者的陳文芬女士有採訪報導。



The Literary Connection with Prof. Göran Malmqvist and His Wife Chen Wenfen."

Ma Yueran is an Honorary Retired Professor at Stockholm University, a member of the Swedish Academy, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Humanities, and a founding member of the European Academy. He is the only Sinologist in the Nobel Prize committee who is deeply knowledgeable about Chinese culture and proficient in Chinese. He has devoted his life to Sinology, engaging in the translation of Chinese language and literature for nearly half a century. In 1998, Huang Xiang was invited to visit Sweden and formed a connection with him.

Chen Wenfen, a former cultural journalist for the "China Times” in Taiwan, married Mr. Ma Yueran (Göran Malmqvist ) in 2005. In 2002, when Huang Xiang went to Taiwan to attend the first publication ceremonies of a three-volume collection of essays by Laurel Publishing and a six-volume collection of poems by Tangshan Publishing (jointly organized by both publishing houses), Ms. Chen Wenfen, the senior cultural journalist for the "China Times," covered the event.

Prof. Göran Malmqvist (Ma Yueran) mentioned in his letter that the book which moved him to tears after reading was 'The Crown of Thorns' written by Qiu Xiao Yu Lan (Zhang Ling).

In memory of Prof. Göran Malmqvist .

Archives No.16:




餘英時  2007年3月22日

Archives No.16: As stated by Professor Yu Ying-shih, recipient of the Krug Lifetime Achievement Award in Humanities and Social Sciences from the American National Library, an academician of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, and a renowned contemporary historian and Sinologist:

"Mr. Huang Xiang was already famous throughout China during the Democracy Wall period in Beijing in 1978: Not only was he an outstanding poet, but he was also a force for promoting democracy and human rights. In the realm of literary creation, he possessed multifaceted talents and had a thorough grasp of the characteristics of the Chinese language. He used various forms and styles to express his original ideas, achieving great success in poetry, prose, and novels.

His latest masterpiece, 'The Sky Above the Blade's Edge,' he describes as a 'modern epic' in a 'synthetic style'. From a historical perspective, I regard it as a fictionalized autobiography. The unique design of the book vividly and powerfully presents the suffering of the Chinese people under half a century of totalitarian terror. My expertise is not in literary criticism, so I cannot fully articulate the artistic achievements of this 'modern epic'. However, I must candidly say: during the reading process, I was immensely impressed and deeply moved by the book. To me, an amateur reader, 'The Sky Above the Blade's Edge' clearly belongs to the same category as 'Doctor Zhivago' and 'The Gulag Archipelago'; its intrinsic value, I firmly believe, will stand the test of time."

Ying-shih Yu  March 22, 2007

Archives No.17:


黃翔今生己高達83歲高齡,早在上世紀1958年在《詩刊》發表作品,並選入當年全國詩選。 後因多次政治運動和作為政治犯入獄等原因被長期排斥在官方文壇之外。 此為數十年前1993年北京作家出版社為黃翔詩集《黃翔 狂飲不醉的獸形》的出版發行製作的大型增訂廣告,此書責任編輯說編輯整部詩稿的過程中熱血沸騰,沒想到中國還有如此被埋沒的大詩家!但是在書已經印刷出版進入倉庫,即將上市之前被中宣部嚴令銷毀並禁止發行。 這唯一被撕掉封面的孤本和殘本是北京作家出版社的這位良知編輯唯一搶救下來的一本悄悄送給黃翔存念。 這是黃翔一生至今在中國大陸唯一一次有出版書的機會結果還是被專制極權政府強行禁毀。黃翔不能容忍一生被剝奪公民權,被剝奪出版權,和夫人一起暫居北京圓明園畫家村,發起一場捍衛自己的出版權利和公民權利的訴訟,結果卻是夫妻雙雙被北京公安局半夜秘密從家中帶走關進昌平監獄而告終!黃翔一生先後被專制政府強加罪名六次投入監禁,共十餘年失去生命自由! 在他今生至目前為止,在海外已創作和出版自由人文作品五十餘部,其中早期詩文反對共產極權、獨裁、專制,個人迷信和偶像崇拜,引發當代「民主牆運動」外,其一部一百多 萬字的長篇就是在勞改監獄打腹稿,或者午夜躲在被窩裡,在手電筒的光照下寫下的零星草稿,其上下卷書名為《自由之血一一天空下的一個人和一個人的天空》,流亡海外后在美國出版。在香港出版的四十萬字左右的壓縮本《刀尖上的天空》中,書底附有已逝大學者餘英時的解讀文字,認為是中國式的《日瓦戈醫生》、《古拉格群島》 。 個人以為經歷過「一個運動接著一個運動」、尤其是「血淋淋的文革」的中國人遠比異國異族的人形生靈從血肉生命到精神人體更苦不堪言! 這種生存原生態還要由「世界霸主」的追逐者延伸於一代又一代嗎? !

黃翔是个性情中人,守良知、讲真话,却無爭於人於世,从無畸形的私欲、极欲、追求尘俗特權的野心和慾望。面对共产独裁、专制的邪恶却从不扮演人中犬儒。正因为如此、才出现上世纪公开“批毛反文革”的文艺复兴式的民主启蒙运动! 这個现置身于“自由、民主、平等、博爱”的美國的華裔,不同文明文化沟通与交流中,既关注人类举世生态,也同時涉足“詩、書、畫、行、聲”,現創作八個詩書畫立體綜合的藝術項目,六個是他個體原創的,兩個是 與美國藝術家合作的。 前者有《東方獨唱一一岩漿與火焰的天體與大地一一宇宙生命大詩》、《世界你的裸體與你的隱體》、《東方書法的思維與表現》、《斑爛的黑暗》、 《無象世界之'象'》、《宇宙人體星際思維》;後者為與美國藝術家William Rock合作,在「以地中海的顏色和音響為背景的」西班牙展出的The Century Mountain Project(《世紀 的群山》)。 另一個項目是同前紐約藝術學院教授Randall diGiuseppe合作的《星雲交響詩》。 黃翔受邀為國際筆會美國筆會特邀會員,美國賓州匹茲堡市首位駐市作家,在世界各地不同城市及近百所大學有文化交流活動。 黃翔在美國匹茲堡市等多處留下「房子詩歌」和「詩歌牆」。 美國匹茲堡市長宣布2004年11月21日為「黃翔日」。

黃翔生命行跡也曾寫入中文版肖東連著《中華人民共和國史》(第十卷)和費正清著英文版《劍橋中華人民共和國史》,同時被中國的良知學者衝破官方文化封鎖寫入和納入《在黎明 的銅鏡中》、《百年中國文學經典》、《中國新詩百年大典》、《中國當代文學史教程》等經典選本,同時在美國出版的雙語詩集被美國戴維斯加州大學奚密教授選入大學文學 教科書讀本。 然而一生一世至今竟不能在故國家園出版一本專著,享有受憲法保障的「思想、言論、出版」的天經地義的權利和自由! 其「詩書畫」立體綜合的藝術創作,在另類時空可自由參展或舉辦個展,而不是任由私慾與極欲的特權膨脹者,以共產「專制與獨裁」的「黨派意識」與淺層時空 認知,主宰與駕馭芸芸眾生與生俱來的普世人權!

Archives No.18:


Under the Italian Sky - A Spiritual Journey to the Homeland of the Renaissance. In October 2005, Huang Xiang was invited by the University of Venice and the Florence World Poetry Congress, marking his first visit to Italy. He traveled through five cities including Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, and the ancient city of Pompeii. This was in response to an invitation from Professor Marco Ceresa,a renowned Sinologist at the University of Venice, who arranged a special recital at the University of Venice. During the event, Huang Xiang performed live calligraphy, presenting his work to the University of Venice, and received coverage by the Italian media.


在義大利的天空下——文藝復興故鄉精神之旅。 2005年10月,黃翔應威尼斯大學和佛羅倫斯世界詩歌大會之邀,第一次踏上了義大利的土地,足跡遍及威尼斯、佛羅倫斯、羅馬、那不勒斯和龐貝古城等五個城市。此為應威尼斯大學著名漢學家馬可· 切雷薩教授邀請和安排在威尼斯大學舉辦專場朗誦會、現場揮毫寫書法贈送威尼斯大學,以及義大利媒體報導。

Archives No.19:


Under the Italian Sky - A Journey of the Spirit in the Homeland of the Renaissance. In October 2005, Huang Xiang was invited by the University of Venice and the Florence World Poetry Congress, marking his first visit to Italy. He traveled to five cities: Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, and the ancient city of Pompeii. This was during his attendance at the World Poetry Congress in the historic city of Florence.

在義大利的天空下——文藝復興故鄉精神之旅。 2005年10月,黃翔應威尼斯大學和佛羅倫斯世界詩歌大會之邀,第一次踏上了義大利的土地,足跡遍及威尼斯、佛羅倫斯、羅馬、那不勒斯和龐貝古城等五個城市。此為在歷史名城佛羅倫薩參加世界詩歌大會。

Archives No.20 :


Under the Italian Sky - A Journey to the Spirit of the Renaissance Homeland. In October 2005, Huang Xiang was invited to Italy for the first time by the University of Venice and the World Poetry Congress in Florence, traveling through five cities including Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, and the ancient city of Pompeii. Before leaving Pittsburgh, USA, Huang Xiang created a batch of poetry culture shirts, deciding to wear them with Zhang Ling in the homeland of the Renaissance, Italy, and walk around, calling it the "Poetry Walking Under the Italian Sky" performance art.

在義大利的天空下——文藝復興故鄉精神之旅。 2005年10月,黃翔應威尼斯大學和佛羅倫斯世界詩歌大會之邀,第一次踏上了義大利的土地,足跡遍及威尼斯、佛羅倫斯、羅馬、那不勒斯和龐貝古城等五個城市。離開美國匹茲堡市之前,黃翔創作了一批詩歌文化衫,決定和張玲在文藝復興故鄉義大利就穿上它們到處行走,稱為“詩歌行走在義大利的天空下”行為藝術 。

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