Sky and Earth of Lava and Flames Grand Poetry of the Cosmic Body
Cosmic Blackbody #1
不知道我从何处延伸而来? 不知道我往何处延伸而去? 当前时间立定的位置就是我的位置; 不解事物流动的位置就是我的位置。
I don't know from where I stretched out.
I don't know towards where I stretched out.
My position is the position halted in present time.
My position is the moving position of uncomprehended things.
Cosmic Blackbody #2
沒有邊緣的萬千星球的漩渦群的邊緣之外, 沒有邊緣的朝后急退的滾滾黑暗的邊緣之外, 向后遠去的巨星群閃爍如星斑。
Outside the boundary of the whirls without boundaries,
Outside the boundary of the boundaryless regressive darkness that urgently rolls,
The great backward-facing far-off constellations sparkle like start-bursts.
Hole of Light #1
为什麼要隱瞞我自己呢, 為什麼要視而不見呢? Why do I want to conceal myself? Why do I want to be unseen?
界線是白晝的顫動, 界線是黑夜的淤積。 The boundary vibrates in daytime The boundary is murky at night.
尖叫的時間劃出界線, 沉默的時間消融界線。 While shouting, the boundary is clear, While silent, the boundary fades.
在線內我呈現人形;在線外我惶惶如獸,長出枝葉。 Inside it I take the form of a man; outside it, I’m afraid like a beast, I grow leaves and limbs.
Hole of Light #2
那展開的已經蜷縮。那潛伏的已經暴露。隱隱群岩的古猿影影綽綽,黑暗茫茫,總有某處正在凹陷;總有某處正在隆起 What had unfolded is now curled up. What had been hidden is now revealed. The indistinct old cliffs ape-like in the dim thick dark, one always jumping up somewhere; one always coming down somewhere
悠悠歲月堆積的臼齒。 Teeth accumulated over many years.
我沿著一棵樹走去,走不出它的古老的年輪;我攀沿一條粗大的藤蔓,攀不盡綠色蜿蜓的深意;我跨過一條螞蟻的黑線,仍然站立在蟻群的邊緣之外;我爬上一隻高大的駱駝,總是達不到不可見的駝峰的高度。 In skirting around a tree I cannot step out of its ancient growth-rings; I climb along a coarse heavy vine, but cannot reach its tortuous green inner meaning; I step over a line of black ants, still staying outside their boundary; I mount a tall camel, but may not attain the unseen heights of its hump.
總有什麼在阻隔我,總有什麼在騷擾我。我失足沉落于萬種事物的名稱。 There is always something blocking me, something upsetting me. I lose my footing and devolve into the appellations of a thousand things.
一聲鳥鳴堵住了我的出口。 A bird-cry blocks my exit. 我在寂聲世界裏向你們露出 一顆大柚子翠綠的圓。 In a tranquil world I show you The blue-green roundness of a grapefruit.
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Multi-Colored Darkness The “Image” of the Imageless World
斑 烂 的 黑 暗 无 象 世 界 之 “象”
你淋浴在静默之中,全身谛听静默,这是人体布雷的静默,这是无言震击的人体宇宙之音,所有的语言都在这无声的寂静中轰隆隆土崩瓦解。 You shower in the silence.Your entire body listens to silence. This is the silence of the spreading thunder of the human body. This is the sound that shocks the universe of the human body without speaking. All languages thunderously crumble in this voiceless silence.
光的尽头是黑暗,黑暗的源头是光。光明与黑暗化一。天空与大地化一。人与宇宙化一。人类宇宙地存在着,离开人宇宙就归于寂灭。 人是一种多维的存在。人的生存多维也即无维。 The utter end of light is darkness. The source of darkness is light. Light and darkness become one; day and night become one; the heavens and the earth become one; humans and the universe become one. Humans exist universally.Apart from humans, the universe becomes perishable. Humans are a multidimensional existence. Human existence is multidimensional and dimensionless.
大地不复为大地。 你发现你从来安稳地立于其上的東西,那个经你命名为“大地”的東西,竟然是块不可靠的舢板,你隨时都面临着可能的沉溺! The earth never returns to the old earth. You discover that the things upon which you firmly stood, the things which you called the “earth,” are surprisingly the unreliable decks of a sampan, and at any time you face the possibility of being drowned.
人在哪里?人一直在宇宙中寻觅自已的位置!它把自已在阳光照耀下的大地上的活动称为创造,从一座高层次庞大建筑到一首诗。它这样沾沾自喜,以伟大、英雄、旗手、扭转乾坤者和开一代先河者炫耀自已,它一直沒有警觉被它历代堆砌起来的全部“文化”化的创造有多么沉!多么重!它早已经驮不动了!!!这些积澱得越来越厚、堆砌得越来越高的文化化之物,很可能崩溃于一旦,把它自已掩埋其中! Where is humanity? Humans are constantly searching for their place in the universe. they call their activities on earth under the shining sun “creations:” from a high-rise building to a poem. They are complacent and pleased with themselves. They glorify themselves boastfully with words like “great,” “hero,” “chief,” “earth-shaker,” and “pioneers of a new generation.” They never realize that the pile of cultural “creations” from human history is so weighty! So heavy! They already cannot move it. These things just accumulate more and more thickly, and they pile up higher and higher, until they are so high that if all the cultural objects collapsed suddenly, they would bury humanity beneath them.
人是什么?这是人对自身怀疑的询问。人朝深层的自已望去,它与万物同一个来处,也与万物同一个去处。万物同源,包括惊疑于这一发现的人在内。 人以自已为“界”,以区别于世界万象万物;但这世界却早已同时滑动和消失于人、动物和植物之间。 太阳的聚光灯下:“人是成形于未遂者。” What is humanity? This is the doubtful question that all humans ask themselves. Humans face the deepest levels of themselves; they come from the same place as everything else, and they are going to the same place. All things have the same origin, including the humans who doubt this discovery. Humans takes themselves as the boundary to distinguish themselves from all the forms and objects in the world; but long ago, this “boundary” slipped and vanished from among humans, animals, and plants. Light of the spotlight sun: “Humanity is formed in the attempting ”.
人从来沒有揭下“人”的面具。如果它一旦揭下,它就会看见它从来就不完美。它的沾沾自喜、自大甚至自信都是可悲的、荒谬的、滑稽的。它衹是一个未完成的“梦”,某种永远未遂的“醒”。 人哪人哪,你究竟是什么?! 你听到那无声之声之问嗎?你知道那声之无声的答吗?也许是无问无答。也许是如问如答。 Humans have never taken off their “human” mask. Once humans take off their masks, they immediately see that they were never perfect; their complacent self-exultation, self-exaltation, and even their self-confidence are all tragic, absurd, and ridiculous. Humanity is only an unfinished “dream;” a kind of eternally unfinished attempt at “awakening.” Humanity! Humanity! What are you really? Do you hear the question of the voiceless voice? Do you know the answer of the voiceless voice? Perhaps there is no question and no answer; perhaps the question is as the answer.