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Archives No.31:


2021 春季刊,美國當代中國評論雜誌發表詩人、作家、青年學者東方閃電關於黃翔的文學評論《猛士譫妄 隱士守常——縱論黃翔詩靈嬗變歷程》。

Archive No.31: 2021 Spring Issue,Contemporary China Review Magazine in USA Published the literary criticism on Huang Xiang by the poet, writer, and young scholar Eastern Lightning,titled

“The warrior is delirium, the hermit is observant —— On the spiritual evolution of Huang Xiang’s poetry “.

Archives No.32:


This is the only instance in 1994 when poet Huang Xiang's collection of poetry and prose, along with media interviews, almost got published in the Eastern Hemisphere. It also includes the first collection of poetry and prose by poet Huang Xiang published in the Western Hemisphere in 1998, a large format edition of 662 pages, along with media interview reports.

Archive No.32: 這是1994年詩人黃翔唯一一次在東半球差點上市的詩文集與媒體採訪報導;這是詩人黃翔1998年在西半球出版的第一本詩文集,大開本,662 頁,以及媒體採訪報導。

Archives No.33:


2001 年寫作並發表關於舉世震驚的9·11恐怖襲擊事件的詩篇《世紀之殤》。

In 2001, a poem titled "Death Of A Young Century" was written and published, addressing the globally shocking September 11 terrorist attacks.

Archives No.34 :


2004年3 月,美國和英國的出版社The Edwin Mellen Press出版《走出共產中國﹕英漢對照黃翔詩選》 (A Bilingual Edition Of Poetry Out Of Communist China By Huang Xiang),安德魯G. 愛默生先生翻譯,此書是作為高等研究教科書系列發行的,400 餘頁,精裝硬封。

In March 2004, publishers in the United States and the United Kingdom, The Edwin Mellen Press, released "A Bilingual Edition Of Poetry Out Of Communist China By Huang Xiang," translated by Mr. Andrew G. Emerson. This book was issued as part of a series for advanced research textbooks, spanning over 400 pages and bound in hardcover.

Archives No.35:


On September 18, 2004, to commemorate Mr. Andrew G. Emerson (June 29, 1934 – August 16, 2004), "Andrew Emerson: Miracles in Translating Chinese Poetry" was officially published and introduced at that year's New York International Poetry Festival. Mr. Emerson had planned to attend the festival and perform a reading but suddenly passed away from a heart attack on August 16.

In March 2004, The Edwin Mellen Press in the United States and the United Kingdom published "A Bilingual Edition Of Poetry Out Of Communist China By Huang Xiang," translated by Mr. Andrew G. Emerson. This book was released as part of an advanced research textbook series, comprising over 400 pages in a hardcover edition. Mr. Emerson, who had met Huang Xiang at a party hosted by Judy Manton in New Jersey at the end of 1998, reignited his passion for Chinese, a language he had learned during his service in the Navy as a young man. Admiring Huang Xiang and his poetry, the gentlemanly Mr. Emerson resumed his diligent study of Chinese and embarked on the challenging yet joyful journey of translation at the age of 65, completing this monumental work over five years, which was well-received by the academic community and published as a higher education textbook. During a summer vacation at their seaside villa, Mr. Emerson's wife informed Huang Xiang and Zhang Ling of his sudden demise due to a heart attack on August 17. In their grief, Qiu Xiao Yu Lan (Zhang Ling) immediately gathered memorial articles and rapidly sought translators for Mr. Emerson's own poetry on the Wenxin Forum. With the strong support of New York's Cozy Publishing, a bilingual commemorative volume "Andrew Emerson: Miracles in Translating Chinese Poetry" was compiled and published within 15 days, debuting at the New York International Poetry Festival in Queens as a tribute to Mr. Emerson. We still have the book release flyer from that day. KunLun Press plans to republish this book to honor Mr. Emerson's miraculous achievements in literary translation.

Mr. Emerson's ancestor Ralph Waldo Emerson was the writer,poet, thinker who discovered the great American poet Walt Whitman. At 65, Mr. Andrew G. Emerson began translating the poetry of Chinese exile Huang Xiang, spending five years deepening his study of Chinese and translating through communications with Zhang Ling and Huang Xiang to grasp the essence of the works. To research Huang Xiang, he and his wife Tilly-Jo Emerson traveled to Guizhou, visiting Huang's old friends and learning about his life story. His research articles and translations were published in the Ohio State University's academic journal Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (note: the journal was in print at the time, and the articles were not available online, but Ohio State University has archives and provides descriptions online at He once shared that meeting Huang Xiang and translating the book were the most meaningful things in his life. When he considered abandoning this challenging voluntary translation project, he dreamt of his ancestor, the philosopher and writer Emerson, encouraging him not to give up as it was an important mission in his life. Mr. Emerson persevered, and shortly after celebrating his 70th birthday and the book's publication, he passed away, as if he had completed his earthly mission. The chairperson of an American foundation, after reading the book, referred to Huang Xiang as China's Whitman, a viewpoint echoed by many Western scholars. The serendipitous connection among Emerson, Whitman, and Huang Xiang is indeed profound and mysterious.

2004 年9 月18日,紀念安德魯· 愛默生先生(June 29 1934 —Aug. 16 2004),《文學翻譯的奇蹟 Andrew Emerson Miracles in Translating Chinese Poetry》正式出版,在當年的紐約國際詩歌節面世。因爲安德魯G. 愛默生先生本來計劃要參加當年的詩歌節并上臺朗誦的,卻突發心臟病於8 月16 日離世。

2004年3 月,美國和英國的出版社The Edwin Mellen Press出版《走出共產中國﹕英漢對照黃翔詩選》 (A Bilingual Edition Of Poetry Out Of Communist China By Huang Xiang),翻譯是安德魯G. 愛默生先生。此書是作為高等研究教科書系列發行的,400 餘頁,精裝硬封。1998 年底愛默生先生在新澤西老朋友Judy Manton夫人家party上认识剛剛流亡到美國不久的黄翔后,喜欢写诗、非常具有紳士風度的爱默生先生因为喜愛黃翔和他的詩歌,重拾他年輕時在海軍服役時學會的漢語,繼續勤奮地學習和提高漢語能力,以65 歲高齡開始這個艱鉅又快樂的翻譯旅程,工作之餘花費5 年心血完成這部翻譯巨著並得到學術界好評並被作為高等研究教科書出版。夏天,愛默生先生攜家人去他們的海濱別墅度假休息。8 月17日愛默生夫人電話告知黃翔和張玲愛默生先生因為心臟病發作突然離世的消息後,悲痛之餘,秋瀟雨蘭(張玲)立即徵集紀念文章、並火速在文心網論壇發帖找人翻譯愛默生先生自己的詩歌,同時得到紐約柯捷出版社的大力支持,以半個月15 天的時間編輯出版了雙語紀念文集《文學翻譯的奇跡Andrew Emerson Miracles in Translating Chinese Poetry 》,在皇后區舉行的紐約國際詩歌節開幕當天推出此書,以此方式紀念愛默生先生。KunLun Press將再版此書,讓世人記住愛默生先生所創造的文學翻譯奇蹟。

愛默生先生的先祖就是發掘美國偉大詩人惠特曼的作家、詩人、思想家拉尔夫-瓦尔多-爱默生。而安德魯-愛默生先生在人生65歲高齡的時候開始翻譯中國流亡詩人黃翔的詩歌,花了5 年時間一邊努力加深學習漢語,一邊通過張玲與黃翔溝通理解作品的內涵進行翻譯,為了研究黃翔,他還與夫人蒂莉-乔-爱默生 (Tilly-Jo Emerson)一起去貴州旅遊,訪問黃翔的老朋友,了解他的生命故事,他的研究文章和譯文專輯發表在俄亥俄州立大學的Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (當代中國文學與文化)學術雜誌(文檔link: 注,當年雜誌是紙本,文章沒有上網,俄亥俄大學有存檔並在網上說明;他曾經告訴我們,他覺得他人生最有意義的事就是遇到黃翔和翻譯這本書,在他曾經想放棄這一艱鉅的義務翻譯工作時,某次在他似睡非睡的狀態中,他夢見他的先祖哲學家、作家愛默生來到他的面前鼓勵他說不要放棄,這是他生命中很重要的事,所以他堅持下來了!然而書剛剛出版,他剛剛過完70 歲生日不久,他這個大天使就如同完成人間使命一樣回歸天家了!美國基金會主席讀完這本書後在她寫黃翔的一篇文章中稱黃翔為中國的惠特曼,她的這個觀點被許多西方學者認同。愛默生—惠特曼—黃翔,這冥冥中的緣份誰說得清呢?

Archives No.36:

自2004 年底以來,現任美國新澤西州新澤西學院英文系及世界語言與文化系副教授、中文及亞洲研究學部主任米家路教授前後4次邀請黃翔訪問他們TCNJ,舉辦專場詩歌朗誦會並與學生交流,每次米教授都是和他們學校著名英美文學學者、惠特曼研究專家邁克爾·羅伯遜教授共同主持,這是2015 年11 月初,第四次訪問TCNJ與自由詩人孟浪一起朗誦。孟浪2018 年12 月因病英年早逝,懷念孟浪。

Since the end of 2004, Professor Jialu Mi, the Associate Professor of Chinese and English、World Languages and Cultures at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), as well as the director of the Chinese and Asian Studies Program, has invited Huang Xiang for four visits. These visits included special poetry recitation events and exchanges with students. Each time, Professor Mi co-hosted these events with Professor Michael Robertson, famous scholar of English and American Literature , a Whitman Studies expert and a colleague from the English Department. At the beginning of November 2015, the fourth visit to TCNJ was a recitation with the free verse poet Meng Lang. Meng Lang passed away prematurely due to illness in December 2018; In memory of Meng Lang.

Archives No.37:

2004-2010, Xiang Huang served as the Writer in Residence and as the honorary writer in Residence (after November 21, 2006) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, providing a snapshot of his tenure.The Panel Discussion on Huang Xiang “Exploring Xiang Huang: Poetry, Survival, and Society" was held on October 29, 2005, at the University of Pittsburgh during the Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of the Central Pacific Region. The renowned Sinologist, Professor Jeffrey C. Kinkley from St. John's University, New York, served as the conference chair, with Professor Jiayan Mi from The College of New Jersey acting as the seminar convener. Together with Professor Xinmin Liu from the University of Pittsburgh and Huang Xiang, the four of them each read their own papers and engaged in Q&A and discussions with the audience.

2004-2010,黃翔擔任美國賓夕法利亞州匹茲堡市駐市作家和榮譽駐市作家(2006 年11 月21 日之後)掠影。黄翔专题研讨会“发掘黄翔:诗歌、幸存和社会”于2005年10月29日在匹兹堡大学中太平洋地区亚洲研究年会上举行。著名漢學家、紐約聖約翰大學Jeffrey C. Kinkley教授擔任會議主席,新澤西學院的Jiayan Mi教授是研討會的召集人,他們倆和匹茲堡大學的Xinmin Liu教授、以及黃翔四人分別朗讀了自己的論文並与观众问答和討論。

Archives No.38:


2004-Present, Huang Xiang served as the Writer in Residence and as the Emeritus Writer in Residence (after November 21, 2006) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Glimpses of Chinese media reports.

2004-目前,黃翔擔任美國賓夕法利亞州匹茲堡市駐市作家和榮譽駐市作家(2006 年11 月21 日之後)中文媒體報導掠影。

Archives No.39:


美國著名政治學專家Andrew James Nathan (黎安友)教授著“CHINESE DEMOCRACY”。1985 年加州大學出版社出版。



Professor Andrew James Nathan, a renowned American political scientist, authored "CHINESE DEMOCRACY". It was published by the University of California Press in 1985.

During the 1990s, while residing in the Yuanmingyuan Artists' Village in Beijing, many Western students who came to China told me that this was a must-read book before their studies in China. It is an important academic monograph about contemporary Chinese history, political studies, and the thought liberation movement. Western friends gave the book to Chinese poets Zhong Ming and Zhao Ye ,who then passed it on to Huang Xiang. After bringing it to the United States and meeting with the author Prof. Andrew J. Nathan we obtained his signature. This precious book has accompanied us for many years, embodying valuable friendships between East and West, and storing the sounds, cries, and footsteps of history. The book opens with "The Symphony of the Fire God" written by Huang Xiang during the Cultural Revolution, which pushed the wheels of history. For readers interested in contemporary history and who understand English, I recommend you read this book.

Andrew James Nathan (Chinese: 黎安友; pinyin: Lí Ānyǒu; born 3 April 1943) is a professor of political science at Columbia University. He specializes in Chinese politics, foreign policy, human rights and political culture. Nathan attended Harvard University, where he earned a B.A. in history, an M.A. in East Asian studies, and a Ph.D. in political science. He has taught at Columbia University since 1971, and currently serves as the chair of the steering committee for the Center for the Study of Human Rights. His previous appointments include as the chair of the Department of Political Science (2003–2006), and chair of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute (1991–1995)

Archives No.40 :



McGraw-Hill Book Company Published in 1981. New York St. Louis San Francisco Hamburg Mexico.

Renowned Chinese affairs expert Roger Garside speaks Mandarin and has served twice as a British diplomat in China. As a diplomat at the British Embassy in Beijing, he personally witnessed Huang Xiang posting shocking big-character posters and reciting poems in front of Beijing's Democracy Wall in October 1978. He was deeply concerned for the fate of this audacious young Chinese person, even speculating that he might die in prison. In 2001, through reports on the internet about the documentary "Well-Founded Fear”, he was thrilled to learn that Huang Xiang was still alive. Eventually, through the producer, he found Huang Xiang's translator, Mr. Andrew Emerson, and obtained Huang Xiang's phone number. Then, through an international call, he finally located Huang Xiang in New Jersey, USA, and established a deep friendship with both Huang Xiang and Mr. Emerson. As an expert who has long focused on Chinese issues, he has authored books such as "Coming Alive: China After Mao" and "China Coup: The Great Leap to Freedom." In his important book "Coming Alive: China After Mao," he devoted a significant portion to writing about Huang Xiang. For readers interested in contemporary history and who understand English, we recommend reading this book. Books can be purchased in paperback format on the Amazon website.

羅傑·加賽德著《復甦:毛以後的中國》,麥格勞-希爾圖書公司1981年出版。紐約 聖路易斯 舊金山 漢堡 墨西哥。

知名中國問題專家羅傑・加賽德(Roger Garside)會說普通話,曾兩度擔任英國駐華外交官。身為英國駐北京大使館的外交官,1978 年10 月親自在北京min zhu qiang 前面目睹黃翔張貼震驚中外的大字報和現場朗誦詩,深深為這個膽大包天的中國年青人的命運擔憂,甚至猜想他可能死於獄中了。2001年透過網路上關於紀錄片《真實的恐懼》的報道,知道黃翔還活著,異常興奮,終於通過製片人找到黃翔的翻譯安德魯-愛默生先生得到黃翔的電話,再通過越洋電話終於找到身在美國新澤西的黃翔,並與黃翔和翻譯愛默生先生建立了深厚的友誼。身為長期關注中國議題的專家,他著有《復活:毛澤東以後的中國》(Coming Alive: China After Mao)和《中國政變:自由的大躍進》(China Coup: The Great Leap to Freedom)等書。他在這本重要的著作《復活:毛澤東以後的中國》(Coming Alive: China After Mao)一書中,用了很大的篇幅寫到黃翔。對當代歷史感興趣懂英文的讀者,推薦你們閱讀此書。亞馬遜網站搜索書名可以購買紙本。

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