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Notes on the Events of HUANG XIANG

Huang Xiang and his art world

黄翔和他的藝術世界 ( 中英文)





















Brief introduction

Born in 1941 in China. Now lives in New York. Writer and Artist. The Mayor of Pittsburgh, Tom Murphy, issued an announcement declaring that November 21, 2004 was "Huang Xiang Day".
His biography is included in the English edition of The Cambridge History of China written by John King Fairbank. His biography is also included in The History of China (Volume Ten) written by Xiao Donglian.Poetry was selected as the authoritative selection of Chinese classics in various 
hundred years.In 2005 Huang Xiang Symposium was held at the Middle East Asia Research Conference in University of Pittsburgh.He has published more than 30 books of various kinds overseas and has been translated into many languages.His life story was made into a number of Chinese and English TV and film feature documentaries. Scholars and writers in China and abroad published Huang Xiang's research papers, memoirs, biographies, and numerous biography.
Main Solo Exhibition

2007, the installation art project: A Moment of Eternity: the Art and Expression of Chinese Poetry Calligraphy by Huang Xiang, Nashville, USA
Major joint exhibitions

2009, International Group Exhibition to Commemorate the Victims of the World War II Holocaust, Peter Wilhelm Art Center, Budapest, Hungary
2010, The Century Mountain, Two People Exhibition, The Antiga Audiencia Culture Centre of the Town Hall of Tarragona, Tarragona International Art Festival, Spain
2017, Cosmic Contemporary Collaboration, three-person exhibition, Maridon Museum, Pennsylvania, USA



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1941年出生在中國,現居紐約,文學家、藝術家。美國匹茲堡市長Tom Murphy發表公告,宣佈2004年11月21日為“黃翔日”。
生平載入費正清英文專著《劍橋中華人民共和國史》、肖冬連著《中華人民共和國史》(第十卷)。詩歌入選中國多種百年文學經典權威選本。 2005年黃翔專題研討會在匹茲堡大學中太平洋地區亞洲研究年會上舉行。在海外出版各種種類著作30餘部,並被翻譯成多種語言。生平被拍成多部中、英文電視、電影專題紀錄片。國內外學者、作家發表和出版黃翔研究論文、回憶錄、傳記、評傳無數。

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2007,裝置藝術“瞬間永恆:中國詩歌書法的藝術和表現”(A Moment of Eternity: The Art and  Expression of Chinese Poetry Calligraphy),納什維爾(Nashville),美國

2009,紀念二戰大屠殺死難者國際群展, Peter Wilhelm Art Center,布達佩斯(Budapest),匈牙利
2010,世紀的群山,二人大展,The Antiga Audiencia Culture Centre of the Town Hall of Tarragona,塔拉戈納(Tarragona)國際藝術節,西班牙
2017,Cosmic Contemporary Collaboration,三人大展,Maridon 藝術博物館(Maridon Museum),賓州,美國

About Huang Xiang's works at the 2021 New York Art Expo關於黄翔2021 年紐約藝術博覽會參展作品 


From 2009 to 2016, Huang Xiang created a large-scale "Poetry, Calligraphy and Calligraphy" art project "Oriental Solo: The Celestial Body and the Earth of Magma and Flames: The Big Poems of Universe Life" series. Currently, more than 200 works have been completed.In 2017,basis on the large-scale "Oriental Solo: The Celestial Body and the Earth of Magma and Flames: The Big Poems of Universe Life" series, Huang Xiangchuan created 22 small-scale works, named: Multi-Colored Darkness-The “Image” of the Imageless World.If “Oriental Solo: The Celestial Body and the Earth of Magma and Flames: The Big Poems of Universe Life" series is a symphony, “Multi-Colored Darkness-The ‘Image’ of the Imageless World” is like a sonata.Huang xiang's two works exhibited at the New York Art Expo is from: “Multi-Colored Darkness-The ‘Image’ of the Imageless World”.

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2009年至2016年,黃翔創作了大型“詩書畫”藝術項目《東方獨唱:岩漿與火焰的天體和大地:宇宙生命大詩》系列作品 200余幅。
2017年,在大型《東方獨唱-岩漿與火焰的天體和大地-宇宙生命大詩》系列作品的基础上,黄翔创作了22幅小型作品,命名为《斑 烂的黑暗-无象世界之“象”》。

如果说《東方獨唱-岩漿與火焰的天體和大地-宇宙生命大詩》系列作品是交响曲的话,《斑 烂的黑暗-无象世界之“象”》就如同奏鸣曲。

這次黄翔在紐約藝術博覽會的參展作品出自《斑 烂的黑暗-无象世界之“象”》。
1,Multi-Colored Darkness The “Image” of the Imageless World  # 13

20” X 30 ”,Mixed media, digital, original, paper
斑 爛 的 黑 暗   無象世界之“象” # 13,20 X 30 英寸,混合媒體、數碼、原創、紙本
A stick of incense burns, and the earth shakes. The ash of the incense is like an avalanche.The sun and shadows move. The human palm covers the solar system. Heavenly bodies are hidden in the moving lines of the palm. The human body closely and sensitively touches the nerves of the universe. The whitecaps in a drop of water billow up to the heavens. An eyelash reaches out and touches the mysterious line that communicates with the universe. 

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2,Multi-Colored Darkness The “Image” of the Imageless World  # 16
20”X 30 ”,Mixed media, digital, original, paper

斑爛的黑暗   無象世界之“象” # 16,20 X 30 英寸,混合媒體、數碼、原創、紙本

Yin and yang do not have pressure points. Movement and stillness have no door. The door without a door closes and opens. Emptiness has no heart. The ending leaves no scar. A search only finds a pile of loneliness.


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Major cultural traces主要文化蹤跡 


2017,Maridon Museum, Pennsylvania,USA2017 年美國賓夕法利亞州Maridon藝術博物館展覽:

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June 4,2000, New York Times, USA


2000年6 月4 日,美國紐約時報:

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1998, World Journal, USA


1998 年美國世界周刊:

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2006, Visited Italy

2006 年訪問意大利:

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The news report about Huang Xiang’s art  in Pittsburgh USA



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Was invited to attend the International ArtsAsia Festival 2009 held in Kentucky, USA, and solemnly exhibited the Century Mountain art works



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Was invited to attend the 2010 Global Art Festival held in Tarragona, Spain, and solemnly exhibited the Century Mountain art works



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The Humanity and Human Rights project by Huang Xiang and Elizabeth Castonguay



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The Century Mountain Project by Huang Xiang and William Rock



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The Nebulane Symphony by Huang Xiang and Randall diGiuseppe


黄翔和Randall  diGiuseppe的星雲交響曲

Borderless Huang Xiang Art Museum /無疆界黃翔藝術館

You can follow us @ YuTube & WeChat public account (微信公眾號)

Kunlun Press / 崑崙出版社

The complete works of Huang Xiang and the Huang Xiang Research Anthology are available for purchase on Blurb, Amazon and Google books

Tel (USA): 646-247-9801

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Pittsburgh's mayor issued a proclamation declaring Huang Xiang Day



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